Friday, January 18



I don't like birthdays. I never liked birthdays (since turning 14, that is).

They make me feel old. 365 days - GONE. Just like that.

Now all the optimists out there would obviously point out the obvious (that's their thing) - going on a spree of inspirational anecdotes to highlight how the entire year, preceding the same, has been an amalgamation of myriad experiences.

Blah, blah, blah...

Truth be told, no one wants to die. I, for one, want to live a wholesome life. Till the very end.
And then, some more.

Also, no one wants to get old and wrinkled. I mean, who in their right mind would want to take the support of a cane to walk? Can't we always remain the same - sitting there reading books we've never read, playing games we've never played, enjoying music we've never heard and watching things we've never seen, unless it all dissolves in a sweet oblivion? Can't we decide for ourselves when we wanna let go?

But then, I guess, nature is kind of a Big Brother in that regard. It has a subtle way of saying - "you're done."

Bottom-line : I don't like birthdays. Huh... Nietzsche was right all along. Thoughts are indeed the shadows of our feelings - always darker, emptier and simpler.

PS : This article was written in a state of sleep-deprivation. So, it's cent percent solemn.



  1. My thoughts exactly.... I guess the phrase 'Happy Birthday' is more a consolation than anything :P
