Friday, February 1

Hotel Transylvania (2012)

Hotel Transylvania

Director : Genndy Tartakovsky

Writers : Todd Durham, Daniel Hageman and Kevin Hageman

Voices : Adam Sandler, Andy Samberg, Selena Gomez, Kevin James, Fran Drescher, Steve Buscemi, Molly Shannon, David Spade, Cee Lo Green and others...


Overall : 7.0/10

Direction : 7.5/10

Animation : 7.0/10

Story : 7.5/10


Certain ideas defy logic. They are a whole new level of crazy.
Hotel Transylvania has one such idea behind it's inception : "even monsters need a vacation!"

I'm an admirer of the animation genre, and this movie does justice to it. Adam Sandler lends his American voice to the Italian Dracula, who, to celebrate his daughter's (Selena Gomez) 118th birthday, invites some of the most prominent monsters to his five-star resort, where they can spend their leisure time without worrying about the human civilization's war against them.

Awesome, right?

The entry of the myriad monsters into the Hotel is one of the best scenes in the movie. Frankenstein (Kevin James) and his haughty wife (Fran Drescher), Murray the Mummy (Cee Lo Green), Wane and Wanda Werewolf (Steve Buscemi and Molly Shannon), the Invisible Man (David Spade) and the Bigfoot - all make appearances! It's like having your worst nightmares come true, only to realise how non-scary these clowns actually were.

Some of you might have guessed the twist in the movie by now - yes, a HUMAN (and a wacky one at that) named Jonathan (Adam Samberg), unknowingly waltzes into the Hotel. It triggers off a series of hilarious events, with Dracula trying his best to keep the secret under wraps and convince everyone (with the help of a LOT of makeup) that the boy is a long-lost relative of Frankenstein.

Towards the end, I felt that the movie had strayed away from its path, or perhaps become too slow for my taste. However, that special number by all the monsters, at the very end, is a treat that you'll cherish.

This is the first ever feature film to be directed by Genndy Tartakovsky. Samurai Jack and Dexter's Laboratory were his creations. Those two names should be reasons enough for you not to miss the movie. As it is, not many flicks released nowadays are suitable for family viewing.

So, why waste this wonderful opportunity?

Official Trailer

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