Friday, February 15



Civilization is a pain in the ass.

People are so hypocritical nowadays, it almost fogs their ability to see others who aren't. They don't give a shit about anyone, doing things exclusive to their whims and fancies.

I, for one, also don't care much about every stupid and trivial thing that is unfolding around me - we just aren't meant to! But, once in every few acts of life, shouldn't we take a dramatic pause, and think about the repercussions our words or actions might have on others?

It's a shame that it doesn't quite happen. Sensitivity and maturity are so dead.

What does actually take place is a charade - the quiet, and rather coerced, reciprocation of fake emotions. It's a long journey, starting right from the moment you are ushered into the world, right upto the moment when your good is interred with your bones.

Therefore, it's only sensible to stop expecting. That's when you'll be really happy. The twenty-first century creature can best survive (and happily so) by being self-sufficient.

Often, self-sufficiency blends into selfishness. That's when civilization (if there ever was one) becomes nothing but a mere genocide of clashing interests.

It's safe to assume contradictions run the world. They always have. They always will...


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